Friday, June 23, 2017

Story Elements and a Preview of Archetypes

Story Elements

Story Elements are active variables in the adventure session. They can be exploited by the storyteller and the players. Story Elements are placed by the Storyteller, either put into the central pool or attached to individual players.

A Story Element is written down on a sheet of paper by the Storyteller when it is introduced and placed on the table of play. The Story Element includes a value, generally between one and three, but theoretically as high as the Storyteller deems necessary. The value indicates the impact that the element has upon actions in the story. Using a Story Element to ones advantage results in a bonus for the individual doing so, potentially up to the full value of the Element (though not necessarily, Storyteller is the final judge). Running a foul of a Story Element results in the individual suffering a penalty up to a maximum of the element's value (again, based upon the Storyteller's decision).

The Storyteller will define a default impact of a Story Element when it is introduced. Players may seek to to subvert the default effect in ways that are logical and pleasing to the flow of the story. This is known as a reversal.

An Example:

The players have entered the Showdown. The Villain has been exposed and is fleeing from the Players' Avatars. He charges out of the building into the pouring rain.

The Storyteller adds a Story Element with the Title of "Driving Rain", a value of '2', and a default impact of 'slippery footing'. This means that individuals running through the rain or doing other things requiring sure footing will suffer a penalty of one or two as the Storyteller feel appropriate.
One of the player's Avatars catches up with the Villain of the day. The player announces that she would like to use a reversal of the Story Element 'slippery footing' by performed a sweep kick against the Villain to trip him. The Storyteller confirms that this is a reasonable reversal and allows the player to gain a bonus of two in her attempt to trip the Villain. 

Archetype Elements

Upon reaching the Realm of Arcadia, Players will have the opportunity to voluntarily add a Story Element to their Avatar called an Archetype. Archetypes provide several bonuses a several penalties while also providing a strong gameplay focus. This can be ignored in the Quick play rules as the Adventures included in the Quick Play all take place in the Realm of the Foglands. For future reference, the archetypes are: Raven, Viper, Owl, Rabbit, and Wolf.

Players may notice, while exploring the first adventures, that the archetypes relate strongly to the mythology of the Shadowlands. It is for this reason that the archetypes are mentioned here.

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