When a player is confronted by a challenge that requires them to spend resources, the storyteller will present it as follows:
Resolving Action:
Step By Step
Step One: The Scene is Set and Explained
Step Two: Players commit their play
Step Three: Storyteller draws card face up
Step Four: Players whether or not to bolster
Step Five: Difficulty level is revealed, total difficulty is added up.
Step Six: Success or Failure Resolution
Resolving Action:
Step By Step
Step One: The Scene is Set and Explained
- Scene is explained
- The Challenge level is written down and placed face down
- Challenge and Consequence hints are given
Step Two: Players commit their play
- Active Player(s) lay down their cards
- Active Player(s) commit any Vajra they wish initially
- Active Player(s) decide if they wish to use any magick or artifact or similar
- Support Players may choose not to commit anything at this time with no penalty
Step Three: Storyteller draws card face up
- Card's value is noted
- Storyteller privately notes new total difficulty level
Step Four: Players whether or not to bolster
- Support Players may now elect to commit cards or Vajra to bolster
- Support Players may not also elect to use Magick or artifact or similar
- Active Player may not bolster
Step Five: Difficulty level is revealed, total difficulty is added up.
- Success or Failure Type is determined.
- Consequences are assessed.
- Active Player may commit Vajra to absorb damage to Aura
Step Six: Success or Failure Resolution
- If successful. Note degree of Success. Storyteller provided description of results
- If Success is Amazing, Storyteller includes explanation of additional success skipped
- If Success if Problematic, Storyteller adds new Story Element
- If a failure. Damage to Aura is applied.
- Additional complications are noted and described by Storyteller
- If Aura Shatters Supporting Players may attempt to reinforce the broken Aura by
- Committing Vajra
- Using relevant artifacts, magick or similar.
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